Lauren Satlowski: Try the Crinkled Paper
October 14, 2024–November 22, 2024

Lauren Satlowski (b. 1984 in Detroit, MI) paints cinematic imagery that utilize elements of familiarity to critique a viewer’s expectations of body, subject, and intimacy.

Lauren Satlowski lives and works in Los Angeles. She received an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art (2013) and a BFA from Wayne State University (2009). Her work has been exhibited internationally throughout Europe, Asia and the United States, most recently in the group exhibitions Mad Monk at Micki Meng, New York; Present 23 at the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus; When The Sun Loses Its Light at Blum & Poe, Los Angeles; and My Secret Garden at Asia Art Center, Taipei. Satlowski has held solo exhibitions at Bel Ami, DM Office, Paris, ODD ARK and Embassy in Los Angeles, as well as Wasserman Projects in Detroit. Her work is in the permanent collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, ICA Miami, the Columbus Museum of Art and X Museum, Beijing.